lundi 2 octobre 2023

5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene oxide injected into the body 


  1. Graphene oxide can carry chemical or biological payloads.
  2. Graphene oxide carrying payloads can be introduced into the body through vaccines or swabs.
  3. The release of those payloads can be controlled by external cell tower signals which cause specific voltage changes in human cells.
  4. Some voltage changes are already known to occur with exposure to cell tower radiation, especially with 5G.
  5. Graphene oxide payloads can include "kill switch" payloads such as nerve agents or infectious agents.
  6. The 5G tower system can therefore function as a chemical weapons payload release infrastructure system to achieve a "mass kill" of populations which were previously inoculated with payload-carrying GO.
  7. Covid vaccines -- which are now widely known to have had nothing to do with halting any pandemic (since even the White House and CDC both admit they do not halt transmission or infections) -- could have theoretically been used to inoculate people with graphene oxide payloads which have not yet been activated.

Thus, it is plausible -- but not proven -- that vaccines + 5G cell towers could be exploited as a depopulation weapon system to achieve near-simultaneous mass extermination of a large percentage of the human population, simply by activating GO payload release with a specific broadcast energy intensity and frequency.

Given that the western governments of the world are clearly attempting to exterminate their own populations right now, this conclusion should be concerning to all those who wish to survive the global depopulation agenda.

Sources cited in this article include: