(per esempio l'articolo: http://www.naturalnews.com/046628_CDC_whistleblower_media_conspiracy_vaccine_makers.html )
Il giornalista indipendente Gary Franchi ha pubblicato un' intervista "bomba" con Brian Hooker, che rivela che il CDC adesso ammette che ci sono state modifiche nei dati degli studi sul vaccino MMR (uno dei vaccini somministrati ai lattanti).
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Independent journalist Gary Franchi has published a bombshell interview with Brian Hooker who reveals the CDC now admits to altering the MMR vaccine study data:
Meanwhile, the entire mainstream media is running a total blackout on the CDC whistleblower story, protecting the interests of Big Pharma while putting Americans' lives at risk:
http://www.naturalnews.com/ 046628_CDC_whistleblower_ media_conspiracy_vaccine_ makers.html
We've also published another bombshell story revealing the second shocking emailreleased by the CDC whistleblower. This email all but admits these CDC scientists knewthey were committing crimes back in 2002:
http://www.naturalnews.com/ 046614_CDC_whistleblower_ vaccine_cover-up_criminal_ investigation.html
The TSA's naked body scanners have now been proven completely useless: All sorts of weapons easily snuck past:
http://www.naturalnews.com/ 046625_TSA_agents_airport_ security_naked_body_scanners. html
The FDA now admits there are thousands of untested food additive chemicalsused across the food supply that may be incredibly harmful to human health:
http://www.naturalnews.com/ 046623_food_chemicals_FDA_ safety.html
Crazy! A high school student has been suspended for saying "bless you" after a classmate sneezed:
http://www.naturalnews.com/ 046616_public_school_free_ speech_religious_persecution. html
more breaking news continues below...
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Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 7-9PM EDT: RSB and Ty Bolllinger talk with Roger Martin of Grow4Vets about the benefits of cannabinoids for veterans suffering with PTSD. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in atwww.NaturalNewsRadio.com.
Don't miss the upcoming Ebola preparedness webinar on Thursday! Free to listen. Details at:
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