vendredi 1 août 2014

Bernini (M5S): STOP weapons made in Italy to Israel

Ajoutée le 31 juil. 2014

Bernini Paolo - M5S
"STOP weapons made in Italy to Israel"

Mr. President, dear Colleagues,
on the 22nd of july the Five Stars Movement tabled a motion to the Italian Government asking it to sell no more weapons to the State of Israel.
The extreme gravity of the events which are nowadays taking place in the Gaza Strip, does not allow us, as representatives of the Italian people, as well as citizens of a country which rejects war, to ignore this situation and it prompts us to make our voice heard and to offer an answer to this emergency which has been going on for years.
Up to now there have been more than a thousand people dead among the Gaza Strip’s inhabitants:most of them are children (compared with about 60 Israeli soldiers killed in combats).
In order not to be abettors of this slaughter and of similar scenarios to come, I think that it is extremely important to us, as representatives of the Italian people, to stop the selling of weapons to the State of Israel. Weapons which are used against Palestinian civilians and buildings and structures belonging to international organizations such as the Onu schools which have recently been hit.
We are therefore asking to every member of the Italian Parliament and to the Chairmanship, to introduce as soon as possible in the Chamber's work of the next week this motion, aimed at stopping the selling of Italian weapons to Israel. I also ask the majority, most of all the Democratic Party, who I have delivered the above mentioned motion, to make it their own, and to discuss it before the closing of the summer session.
It is not about to be on the Zionists or Hamas' side. It is about our complicity in this war.We cannot be outraged at what is going on in Gaza, if those same weapons used to bring death and sufferings are Made in Italy.

By quoting Martin Luther King:
“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people, but the silence over that by the good people”. I also add a sentence by Vittorio Arrigoni:“Stay Human. Restiamo Umani”.

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