vendredi 12 juin 2015

NextNewsNetwork: WORLD WAR ALERT: NATO's "Saber Strike" Could trigger Nuclear War

WORLD WAR ALERT: NATO's "Saber Strike" Could trigger Nuclear War
LATVIA | NATO has launched yet another war game intended to flex their muscle against Russia. Operation Saber Strike is in full effect. The exercises include over 6,000 multi-national forces spread across four nations; Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland. The United States, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania the United Kingdom and Estonia are among the 13 participating nations.


The opening ceremony for Saber Strike 2015 took place in Pabrade Lithuania.

After reviewing the troops Maj. Gen. Leika and Maj. Gen. McQueen spoke to the troops about the mission:

An ongoing annual military drill since 2010, Saber Strike kicks off as an unstable cease fire clings to relevance between Ukraine and Russia.

As tension mounts in the region the military buildup continues as NATO is takes delivery of its new war toy: The